"2010 in Photos: As the year 2010 approaches its last few days, it's time to look back on the previous 12 months. In the last third of 2010, Wikileaks released hundreds of classified diplomatic cables, 33 men were rescued from a mine after being trapped for 10 weeks, protesters took to the streets all over the world, and so much more. Each photo tells its own tale, weaving together into the larger story of 2010. This is a multi-entry story, 120 photographs over three days."
Now, disclosure. Some of the images are hard to look at. The ones that offer a disclaimer, deserve it but they also deserve to be seen. Some images are terrible (in content, not skill) and some incredible. So take a deep breat, and take a look back.
* PART 1 *
** PART 2 **
*** PART 3 ***
I wonder what inspirational/awful things there will be to look back on at the end of this year...
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